La rentrée
Even though it still feels like summer is in full swing, back to school time is officially here. And with it comes shopping for one of my favorite things - school supplies! Technically, I am not the one going back to school, but I can never resist purchasing a few extra "work" supplies when I buy the things on my daughter's list.
My true appreciation for a well stocked backpack/locker/desk developed over the years thanks to various visits to France. The kids there (and my mémère) always seemed to have the best writing implements and notebooks and little pencil bags to keep it all organized. It wasn't until my junior of year of college, spent in Grenoble, that I learned how to properly take notes using the shorthand that the French students were using and also using a 4 color pen to make the notes extra clear and neat. And don't even get me started on the wonders of using the French Ruled paper (similar to graph paper). It really helps keep everything neat and tidy. All of it was definitely a dream come true for the type A girl in me!
So in honor of la rentrée (back to school) I have rounded up some of my favorite school supplies that every girl/woman should have, whether going back to school or not.
1. A cute pencil bag will help keep your pens and pencils all in one place where you can easily find them. These can be useful even in a large purse.
2. Fountain pens are one of the best things ever! Really. You should buy yourself one right now if you don't have one already. I have the red version of this pen and use it for all of my writing. It just makes writing more enjoyable and for me that is totally worth it.
3. 4 color pens are great for taking notes, or doodling.
4. Rhodia note pads are one of my new favorite things, especially this style that folds over the top. I use mine for my daily to-do lists and also for taking notes in meetings.
5. Le Petit Prince - just a great, classic book to make you feel like you're back in French class.
6. Because we could all use more stripes in our life, always!
7. Adorable composition books are a must. They are great for work, class, keeping a journal, to-do lists, blogging ideas...In addition to the super cute ones, I always stock up on the 50¢ ones that are in every store right now.
8. Pencils are key for me for taking notes and underlining in books that I'm reading. Yes, I still do this, even though I am not in school anymore. And yes, my daughter calls me a nerd every time she catches me doing it.
9. Your phone deserves a "back to school" refresh too! I love this simple Bonjour phone case from Garance Doré.
10. I included this one just for fun. And because since I'm not much of a morning person, and neither is my daughter, making mornings more enjoyable is key to a successful school year.
11. These par avion stickers from Rifle Paper Co are just plain pretty. You might have noticed by now that I'm a big fan of all things Rifle Paper Co.
To see more back to school suggestions and French products that I love visit me over on Pinterest!